

大雅查重是一种全面、强大、准确的文献搜索和查重工具,已经广泛应用于学术研究、学术科技开发、教学管理和国家科技政策制定等诸多领域,可以有效提高科学研究的效率,为科学研究人员提供了有效的支持。 详细

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中文与英文等小语种 7分钟左右高峰期或许延迟。
数据库优势 查重报告
互联网数据,学位库,大学论文、研究生论文、硕士论文、期刊职称论文,报纸、杂志库,法律法规数据库,外文文献及小语种论文数据库。 简单报告主要体现了待检测文章的主要基本信息以及相似文献的详细列表。













1、准备word论文进入检测页面。 2、输入论文题目,在内容框粘贴您要检测的论文内容。
3、大雅查重支持多方式订单交易,凭订单编号即可提交检测,订单号查询可在购买记录查到。 4、等待报告,通常情况下1-5分钟,高峰期可能有延迟。
5、查重完成后,点击下载检测报告。 6、核对查重报告,进行重复率修改。


1、本科/专科/:1元1000字 2、硕士查重:2元1000字
3、职称评定检测:12元1篇 4、杂志社期刊发表:20元1次
5、博士/书籍:6元1000字 6、函授/成人自考:2元千字












1. Identify the main points of your graduation thesis,

Your graduation thesis should include the main points that you plan to explore. This could involve researching the topic, analyzing data, forming arguments and conclusions, and more. Take the time to identify the main points of your thesis and make sure that you understand them thoroughly.

2. Research the topic,

Once you he identified the main points of your thesis, it is important to research the topic further. Look for sources such as books, articles, journals, and other written materials to get a better understanding of the topic. Make sure to record the sources you use and cite them in your paper.

3. Create an outline,

Creating an outline of your paper is a great way to organize your thoughts and ideas. Include subtopics, evidence, and arguments, as well as a conclusion. This will help you to stay on track while writing your thesis.

4. Write the paper,

Now that you he identified the main points, done your research, and created an outline, it is time to start writing your thesis. Make sure to stay focused on the main points, and proofread your work for any mistakes.

5. Get feedback,

Once you he finished writing your paper, it is a good idea to get feedback from professors, clasates, and other professionals. They can provide valuable feedback and help you identify any areas of improvement.

6. Make changes,

Take the feedback you he received and make any changes that need to be made. You should also make sure to proofread your paper one more time before submitting it.

7. Submit your paper,

Once you he made all the necessary changes and proofread your paper, it is time to submit your graduation thesis. Submit it to the appropriate department or institution, and you will be one step closer to graduating.


Graduation thesis proofreading and revision of duplicate rate is very important for the completion of graduation thesis. It is an important part of the graduation thesis quality assesent. The duplicate rate of graduation thesis proofreading is generally required to be less than 10%.

For the graduation thesis paper, the duplicate rate of proofreading and revision should be strictly controlled. Because the duplicate rate is too high, it will cause the reader to feel boring and the content of the paper is not enough. The duplicate rate of the graduation thesis should be controlled within 10%.

In order to control the duplicate rate of graduation thesis proofreading and revision, we should pay attention to the following points when writing the thesis,

First, we should pay attention to the originality of the content of the thesis. The content of the thesis should be designed and written by ourselves, without copying the same words and sentences as other people.

Second, we should pay attention to the structure of the thesis. We should try to use different sentences and expressions to express the same meaning. In addition, we should also pay attention to the logical structure of the paper, and try our best to oid the repetition of the same words and sentences.

Third, we should proofread and revise the thesis carefully. After writing the thesis, we should check and proofread the thesis, and revise the duplicate words and sentences.

In summary, if we want to control the duplicate rate of graduation thesis proofreading and revision, we should pay attention to the originality of the content of the thesis, the structure of the thesis, and the careful proofreading and revision of the thesis.